卿(Qing) 王(Wang)'s profile

Uccelli Migratori「候鸟」

Uccelli Migratori                                 「候鸟」地点:印度广场,意大利。
This work is shown in toast tobacco factory , it's called : Migratory Birds
it's a video, My inspiration comes from the migratory birds that stop over the city, So I simulated the shape of migratory birds , I found a lot of weeds, stones and other remains near India square. So I linked them together, they stayed in town together. So I packed the balloons together with Helium and hung the weeds underneath, leaving the balloons in a floating state, simulating the shape of migratory birds.

Uccelli Migratori「候鸟」

Uccelli Migratori「候鸟」


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